viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013


Look at the photo and guess:
The four witches are wearing black hats, but only one witch is wearing a hat with a buckle.The witch in black likes dancing and her name is Wendy . Two witches are wearing red and black dresses, but only Wyona has got curly hair. The witch who likes dancing is the shortest one. Two witches have got long black hair but only Wara is wearing a long dress. The witch in purple likes art and her name is Wanda.

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


Do you want to watch again some of the videos we used in our English classes or playing some computer games? Click here and enjoy yourself


Por uns días o cole foi o fogar de moitas bruxas e algunhas pantasmas. Lemos contos sobre estes seres nas tres linguas, redactamos  os nosos medos no idioma que quixemos, inventamos os nosos propios Magic Spells e convertímonos en bruxas e pantasmas por un día!